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Here’s The Lowdown On Living Expenses For University Students In Sharjah

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As an international student studying away from home, there are numerous and understandable expenses. Although tuition fees constitute a significant portion of the overall cost of living, additional expenditures like food, accommodation, entertainment, and health-related expenses contribute considerably towards financial responsibilities.

We’re going to take a look at the average cost of living for college students in Sharjah and ways to keep it within your budget.

Breaking down the average living cost per student in Sharjah

Sharjah is home to several top universities that provide an ideal platform for developing innate skills. Food, housing, transportation and personal care remain the most common expenses for students.


Students usually get meal facilities on campus. However, students who live at student apartments may incur around AED1,200 to AED1,800 per month on food, depending upon their lifestyles and food habits. 


There are various housing options in Sharjah for students, from on-campus residences to private rentals. The average studio apartment in Sharjah will cost AED2,000 to AED3,500  monthly. Many students also opt for shared apartments where the monthly cost remains around AED1,500 .


Most students prefer to live near campus so transportation costs may not be that high. However, the average price of commuting daily to classes could go up to AED500 per month .

Healthcare and recreation

Lastly, entertainment, healthcare, and miscellaneous entertainment expenses can be estimated to around AED1,000 per month.  This includes going out with friends for a movie, essential supplies and additional shopping costs.

Tips to minimize the cost of living for college students in Sharjah:

  • Explore affordable housing options: Consider on-campus accommodation or shared housing to reduce rent costs. Research different neighborhoods in Sharjah and compare rental prices.
  • Optimize food expenses: Plan your meals and consider cooking at home to save money. Explore local markets for fresh and affordable produce. Use student discounts at retailers.
  • Utilize public transportation: Opt for student passes or monthly subscriptions to reduce commuting costs. Carpooling with fellow students can also be a cost-effective and sustainable option.
  • Part-time employment: Explore part-time job opportunities that align with your study schedule. This not only provides an additional income stream but also offers valuable work experience. Check with your university’s career services for job placements or paid internships.
  • Limit unnecessary expenses: Evaluate your spending habits and identify areas where you can cut back. Avoid unnecessary impulse purchases and prioritize your needs over wants.

The bottom line

Managing the cost of living for students in Sharjah can be challenging, especially for international students. However, choosing accommodation near campus and being mindful of your budget can help you balance your academic and social life while living comfortably in the city.

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