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The Importance Of Teaching Your Kids Hand Washing, And How

Image for The Importance Of Teaching Your Kids Hand Washing, And How

The best way to instil healthy hand-washing habits in your kids is to make it fun. What’s commonly thought of as a chore suddenly becomes a game – and one that they’ll choose to do voluntarily.

Keeping little hands clean can be difficult: curious little fingers will find their way into the stickiest, grubbiest places – and usually end up being popped into the mouth or used to rub eyes immediately afterward. It’s a sure way to spread germs, and potentially get the rest of the family sick.

With a little encouragement, your kids will get into the habit of having clean hands before and after meals, and after playing with pets, using the restroom and other activities that call for a soap-and-water wash afterward.

  1. . Give them a reason

Explaining that a bubbly hand washing session will rinse away any nasty germs that can make them sick is a good way to help your kid understand why it’s important to have clean hands. They’ll be more likely to voluntarily wash their hands if they know why they need to.

2. Show them how

The 2020 pandemic taught all of us that we should wash our hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds to get rid of germs, dirt and any chemicals lingering on the skin. Put a little pop into getting the timing right by singing a song with your child: many people opt for a couple of renditions of Happy Birthday, or you can let your kids choose their own favourite track.

3. Make it easy

Little ones often can’t reach taps and sinks. Having a non-slip step in the bathroom or kitchen that they can hop up onto will give them a sense of independence when washing their hands. Just make sure the hand soap is easily within reach.

4. Make it fun

There are loads of ways to make hand washing more fun. In addition to singing songs while scrubbing, jazz up the experience with glitter soap, colorful bubbles, or a dispenser displaying a favorite character.

6. Recognise and reward healthy habits

Letting our little ones know when they’re doing a great job is important for their self-esteem, and helps to reinforce good behaviour. Hand washing is a task that needs to be carried out frequently, so a prize or treat every time it’s done is unrealistic. Think about creating a sticker rewards chart together where their achievement becomes visual, and remember to verbally congratulate them.

6. Lead the way

Kids will copy what they see their older siblings, and even their parents, doing. Make sure they see you washing your hands just as thoroughly at the key times you’re asking them to do it. They’ll learn when you lead by example.

Finally, remember that you won’t always have access to soap and running water. To reinforce the good handwashing habits you’ve worked hard to instill, keep some hand wash or antibacterial wet wipes in the car.

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