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Still Induring The Edge, During Corona (DC)

Image for Still Induring The Edge, During Corona (DC)

A RAPTalk by Susan K Furness, Senior Associate, Edgewalkers International
A wave became a swell in 2020.
So strong was its current
the true power of the ripple felt by mankind, left no stone unturned.

During Arab Spring people worldover took their voice the streets;
during CoVid Spring people shared melody from their balconies,
contagious contagion from a virus unknown in competition with the infectious delight of music.
Even the birds joined in, amplifying the break of dawn at a volume not heard for years, many said.

As this inland sonic-ripple ebbed back to sea, the message in the bottle announced the presence of a long-lost reality, of clean waters filling the new-quite in city waterways
and the dolphins swam in to play,
as pots and pans joined forces with wooden spoons and hands of all sizes
to create beauty from the new contact borne from the no contact of distancing,
vibrating appreciation for the individuals hard at work on behalf of the collective,
filling the night air with a rudely rhythmic bang, bang, clang, to launch the new Number 1 as we heeded the certain call
and showed the world we are the world, we are the people
separately together as one; even as we endured pain from the rife of life and loss of life during corona;
nothing sinister we still hope,
rather Nature our mother reminding mankind to be kinder to man.

To stay safe, we stayed home.
To appreciate, we had and have each other.
To work, we have technology.
To touch, we can now zoom around the world online, not in a 747.

As we locked in during CoVid outside buds opened as flowers, in rhythm our love affair with abundance is treated to a new definition,
mooting the surrender of shopping bags and baggage
sparking an appreciation for the light and light luggage.

A gift of time in this time is to pratice letting go by being still as we still balance on the Edge of life AC, after corona. Our chance to talk in, re-imagine and re-purpose our purpose,
sensing a future that has a mind and a heart of its own;
from the future of Now in which we Belong to Become.

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