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Why roulette is still one of the most popular games in the world

Image for Why roulette is still one of the most popular games in the world

Roulette has been in existence for nearly 250 years and it still remains one of the most popular games all around the world. The game in its current form was first devised in France toward the end of the 18th century and is now played by people of all nationalities, genders, and ages.

While many games, both in the casino and entertainment sectors, have come and gone over the years, roulette still endures. In fact, it is far and away the most popularly played non-card casino game and is behind only blackjack in all casino games.

But how has this simple ball-and-wheel game remained so prominent over the years?

Roulette is easy to learn

As the saying goes: ‘the beauty is in the simplicity’. Roulette is probably the simplest casino game to learn how to play: place your chips on one or a series of numbers or potential outcomes and then sit back and wait for the ball to land. That is basically it.

While there is a high degree of skill and strategy in poker, and an element of control in blackjack, roulette players hand all power over to the wheel. It is entirely a game of luck.

Games like poker and blackjack can be intimidating for beginners, who could be fearful of making inexperienced mistakes that will harm their chances of success. Roulette is far more welcoming as players are not playing against the dealer or other players. It’s just them against the table.

Roulette has adapted to the times

The casino industry has been one of the biggest benefactors of the digital revolution and has enjoyed a huge surge with the launch of online casinos and more recently, mobile gaming platforms.

Of all the casino games to successfully transition from its traditional forms to online and mobile versions, roulette has probably been the most successful. While online poker and online blackjack are still fun, they are not quite the same as when played in a regular casino setting. That is because the nature of the games – playing against or alongside others – is not replicated in full online.

Roulette, meanwhile, is exactly the same whether played online, on mobile, or in a traditional land-based casino. It also means that wherever consumer technology heads in the future, roulette will be able to continue to adapt.

Roulette strategies are easy to learn

In both poker and blackjack, there can be more than 1,300 possible starting combinations. Due to this, there are an endless number of variables and strategies that can affect your chances of winning.

Roulette, on the other hand, will have less than 40 possible outcomes each and every time. For European Roulette tables, there are 37 numbers (0-36), while American Roulette tables consist of 38 numbers (0-00-36).

That means there are only a few strategies that players need to learn. It is important to remember, though, that roulette is a game based purely on luck, so there are no fool-proof strategies that can guarantee long-term success. However, there is a better way to play roulette that can certainly boost your chances. Click here for roulette strategy.

Roulette suits sociable and anti-social people

Roulette can be a great way to have fun with friends, whether playing together online or at a land-based casino. Because you are not playing against others, it is not as competitive as games like poker, where one person’s success will mean defeat and failure for others. Instead, roulette is more inclusive and allows you to celebrate each other’s wins without it being a detriment to your own experience.

However, if you are more introverted and prefer your own space, roulette is the perfect casino game for you as well. If you want to visit a land-based casino and sit at a roulette table, you can do so without engaging with others if you choose not to, or if you prefer the comforts of home, you can play roulette from your computer or phone without playing against or communicating with other players.

The most important thing to remember when playing roulette…

Roulette is an exciting game that is easy to learn, but always remember that it is supposed to be fun. There are many stories of players who have allowed themselves to spiral, so always gamble responsibly.

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