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Are Webinars Part Of Your Marketing Strategy?

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In these socially distant times, businesses want to find new ways to connect to customers, fans, and potential leads.

A resounding 73 percent of marketing and sales leaders say webinars are one of the best ways to amass quality leads that may actually translate into sales. And since the average webinar attendee watches over 60 minutes, you’re talking about an engaged and invested audience.

If you are launching a startup or trying to maximize your business reach in a whole new direction, you need to seriously consider the webinar route. With over 300 million people working from home as a result of COVID (Boston Consulting Group study), webinars are going to be the ‘new normal’ when it comes to marketing your products and services.
Webinars help to engage your existing pipeline. Customer engagement is now more than critical than ever to ensure that valuable market share and brand recognition are not lost before the recovery starts, particularly if your business is shuttered.

The popularity of webinars was already rising before the current pandemic; they’re a powerful tool for showcasing thought leadership and increasing brand visibility. What’s more, as part of a more comprehensive content marketing strategy, webinars provide a valuable opportunity to secure the ‘top of funnel’ leads that will be critical to future sales opportunities.

So, as traditional face-to-face marketing channels have become unfeasible under lockdown, think events and client meetings, webinars are filling the gap as a means to demonstrate technology and services, alongside highlighting critical industry best practice.

Webinars, when done right, are an effective way to expose your business to a large audience—whether your business is B2B, direct-to-consumer, or anything in between. Now, as we are collectively stuck at home (as well as in the future, when business regains a sense of normalcy), webinars allow for intimate and real-time interaction. You can explain complex topics, connect with your audience, and demonstrate the value of your business in a short time frame.

For more information, visit ONLY webinars website at

Cyber Gear Webinar Series