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If you play at online casinos in the UK or are considering doing so in the near future, there’s a new website you’ll want to check out before you decide to spend your money anywhere. For reviews of the top casinos available to UK-based players, biographies of the network companies that operate those casinos, licencing information and confirmation of the other sites that exist on the same network as your casino of choice, the website you’re going to want to bookmark and keep coming back to is
We realise that’s a big claim. Time is money when you’re playing casino games, so why should you spend your time reading about online casinos when you could be playing at them instead? If you give us a few moments of your time now, we’ll be happy to tell you.
An Ever Growing Market
When the first online casinos appeared in the late 1990s and early 2000s, they were a novelty. Only a handful of them existed, you knew where they all were, and if you were interested in the hobby, you had a pretty good idea of what they all did. Those days are long gone. The market is enormous, with thousands of online casinos or betting websites open to players in the UK. On top of that, it’s still growing. Recent figures suggest that the market will grow by almost £3bn in the next four years despite changing attitudes and forthcoming regulatory changes. Finding your way around gambling websites used to be as simple as going from A to B. Now it’s more like finding your way around a maze.
With so many websites out there competing for your attention and your money, there are risks. A casino might appear to offer you the moon on a stick as a welcome bonus in return for signing up and making a deposit, but what’s the offer really worth if the terms and conditions make it almost impossible to withdraw anything from the bonus? Other casinos might claim to have thousands of games available, but do those games come from reputable providers? Is it better to have access to four thousand games taken from anywhere the casino can find them or a few hundred that have been carefully curated from trusted, high-quality providers?
It’s not always easy to spot who makes which games or what the terms and conditions of a promotional offer are. Some casino sites are more honest than others when it comes to presenting those terms and making players aware of them. That’s why you’d benefit from hearing an independent voice telling you whether a promotion or even a whole casino is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s what provides.
What Are Sister Sites?
If you’re relatively new to iGaming, you might not have come across the term "sister sites" before. Simply put, "sister sites" are betting or casino websites that exist on the same network as each other or belong to the same parent company. As an example, you’ll probably have heard of 888 Casino. You’ll also probably have heard of 888 Poker and 888 Sport. These sites are all sister sites of each other because all of them belong to 888 Holdings. That’s easy to spot because they have similar names and branding. Not all casino operators operate such naming policies. It’s far harder to tell who owns what.
This matters for two reasons. The first is that some players like to stick with what they know. They’ll have played at a certain website for as much or as long as they want to, but now they want to move on because either they’ve extracted as much fun as they think they’re going to get from it or because they’ve fallen out with it. However, they like the casino, and they want to play at a site that has a similar look, a similar feel, similar games and similar bonuses. What they’re really looking for is one of that casino’s sister sites.
The other reason a player might want to know who owns a certain iGaming site is that they don’t want to play with the same operator again. Perhaps they feel like they’ve had poor customer service. Maybe they don’t trust the games or didn’t win as feel as much as they ought to have won. The last thing those players want to do is hand more money to the same casino operator by accidentally going to another one of its sites. In order to make sure they don’t do that, they need to know what the casino’s sister sites are. offers a full list of every sister site of every major casino operator facing the UK. Whether you want to make sure you’re playing with the same operator or you want to ensure you’re steering clear of them, this is the comparison site that can guarantee it.
Licensing Matters
The UK Gambling Commission exists for a reason. UK-based players are only fully protected in terms of their rights when they play at casinos that are covered by a UK Gambling Commission licence. In theory, casinos that don’t have a UK Gambling Commission licence shouldn’t even offer their services to players in the UK. However, loopholes exist, and some rogue operators ignore the rules altogether. The UKGC doesn’t automatically have jurisdiction over casino operators if they’re based abroad, and the UK government can’t individually block every rogue website that pops up.
When you read casino information at, you’ll see whether casinos are covered by a UK Gambling Commission licence or not at a glance because confirmation is listed at the top of each page. In the casino reviews, you’ll find information about the casino’s regulatory status. Is its licence clean? Has it been fined or warned about its conduct? If so, when and what for? This is all information that you, as a player, ought to familiarise yourself with before you spend. lists it all in one place. It only takes two minutes to read about a casino on, and two minutes is all it takes to find out whether a site is trustworthy, licenced, and owned by the right people.
Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) and Politecnico di Milano, Italy’s largest scientific-technological university, have joined forces with Maserati and 1000 Miglia…
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