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The Kusnacht Practice:New BIO-R® Cognitive Blueprint Programme Restore The Power Of Your Brain

Image for The Kusnacht Practice:New BIO-R® Cognitive Blueprint Programme Restore The Power Of Your Brain

The Kusnacht Practice, the Swiss treatment centre recognised as the world’s most effective, exclusive and private, is excited to announce its BIO-R®Cognitive Blueprintprogramme. Through a holistic approach that combines deep research, state-of-the-art tools and the latest treatment protocols, the innovative, new longevity-driven programme is custom-made for high achievers who wish to optimise their cognitive function, mental performance and overall brain health.

Tailored to each client, BIO-R®Cognitive Blueprint addresses the impact of ageing and modern lifestyles on brain health, takes a proactive approach to preventing the cognitive deterioration brought by ageing and delivers sustainable changes that not only slow down but can even turn back the clock on certain aspects of cognitive decline.

As a consequence of delivering sharper cognitive capabilities and renewed mental energy, the programme brings a greater sense of overall mental, physical and emotional balance and will instil new and sustainable eating, exercising and lifestyle habits designed to ensure peak performance for years to come.

BIO-R®Cognitive Blueprint is an intensive two-to-four-week residential programme – the exact duration depending on the client’s current state and desired outcomes – which is offered in Zurich and Geneva. Clients stay in one of The Kusnacht Practice’s luxurious lakeside villas or penthouse apartments, guaranteeing absolute privacy, peace and security as well at the utmost comfort and, if wished, the ability to continue one’s professional life without disruption.

A holistic treatment programme like no other

The residential programme is preceded by a comprehensive consultation and discovery phase, including some preliminary lab tests, in order to get to know the client, their main concerns and goals and begin to map out the bespoke testing and treatment plans for the client’s stay.After the intensive treatment phase, asclients return to daily life, they receive ongoing support from The Kusnacht Practice and are invited back to Switzerland twice a year to fine-tune the programme and supercharge their rejuvenation.

The testing protocol is a 360-degree evaluation of the client’s entire metabolic state, not just their brain health. As well as the standard tests common to standard brain health programmes, such as MRI, X-ray, fitness and body composition, the BIO-R®Cognitive Blueprint testing protocol includes genetic and epigenetic factors that are now known to have an impact on brain health. Tests range from nutritional and metabolic fitness, oral health, sleep hygiene and toxic load, to biomarkers for inflammation, autoimmunity, neuropathy, blood-brain barrier disruptions and computerised neurocognitive testing (to detect early signs of decline). Other assessments include lifestyle, environment, habits and psychological state, all of which that have a major influence on the functioning of brain and body. Such comprehensive testing is essential to enable The Kusnacht Practice’s interdisciplinary team of 10+ specialists to determine how best to tackle the underlying source of each client’s issues and develop the tailor-made programme that will deliver the optimum results for every individual.

Why optimum cognitive health matters more than ever

The need for such a programme has never been greater, as we live in a world of information overload, (by 2011, the amount of information our brains received was already five times greater than in 1986; since than it has increased exponentially and today it’s estimated that we receive 11 million bits of information per second). Added to this, we must navigate ever-increasing social complexity and constantly evolving challenges. High achievers in the business and finance world need not only to make decisions faster and constantly reimagine their businesses in a changing world, but also need greater emotional intelligence, self-awareness, resilience and sound judgement.  Cognitive decline affects all of these brain functions – not only memory loss, mental agility and the ability to focus. Memory loss alone is having a devastating impact as the world is witnesses an explosion in dementia, with almost 10 million new cases recorded every year. Other severe neuro-degenerative diseases are also increasing at a faster rate than ever.

As brain science advances, it has become clear that the damage sets in many years before it manifests itself in symptoms – and the causes are many. Our brains are under constant assault, not only from the greater demands of life but also from environmental toxins, electromagnetic smog, the increasing ubiquity of non-functional foods, chronic stress – the list goes on. For high achievers, the need to combat neural fatigue, arrest the damage and maintain their competitive edge is urgent.

The Kusnacht Practice’s proprietary BIO-R®Cognitive Blueprintprogramme addresses this crucial issue at its core. It goes far beyond simply maintaining the status quo in terms of brain health and enables clients to halt cognitive decline, slow it down or reverse it at the source level.

“What sets BIO-R®Cognitive Blueprintapart is its holistic approach – treating brain health in synergy with overall health. Our testing is exceptionally deep and broad, identifying all factors that may put an individual at risk of cognitive decline. The test results become the cornerstone of each client’s bespoke programme,” says Dr. med. Jean-Marc Sobczyk, Doctor in Integrative & Anti-Aging Medicine. “Another distinction is that at The Kusnacht Practice our goal is to be proactive and pre-emptive and a core element of the Cognitive Blueprint, is to detect conditions that will lead to symptoms before they even manifest.

“A third key distinction is that a truly successful approach is a long-term journey, not a quick fix. Therefore, while the intensive residential programme kickstarts the process with bespoke interventions, we remain close to each client afterwards, supporting them as they integrate the new protocols into their daily lives, measuring progress twice or three times a year, fine-tuning the blueprint and, when desirable, supercharging the process with additional treatments.

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