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The Emergence of Fansumers in Web3

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Web3 is a mindset. Brands need to adopt a strategy of collaboration instead of competition.

Leaders need to communicate their brand values with the concept of ‘Return on Engagement’.

Traditional ads don’t work anymore because 84% of millennials simply don’t trust traditional advertising. They don’t like the pushy, disingenuous nature of commercials and will do anything within their power to skip, fast forward, and even block any content that even hints at advertising. Of course, there are some brands that are good at creating digital ads; but being creative, emotive, and innovative while melding the components of a successful ad together is tough — and few brands succeed.

Fandom is here to stay and it is imperative to migrate the existing consumers to fansumers – to stay relevant.

Gordon Glenister
Stephanie Bretonniere
Jennifer Roebuck
Carlos Diaz
Nico Fara

Sharad Agarwal


Jan 25, 2023 05:00 PM in Dubai

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