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The Global Gift Gala presented by Woonkly, the world’s first decentralized metasocial network of NFTs, once again hosted a star-studded evening including live performances and fundraising in the context of the Cannes Film Festival from Cannes. Maria Bravo, KendjiGirac and Amaury Nolasco walked the red carpet on behalf of the Global Gift Foundation. The event raised funds for the Global Gift Foundation’s ‘Heartbeat for Ukraine’ campaign, which provides immediate relief to the citizens of Ukraine, and for the Eva Longoria Foundation.
Guests were treated to breath taking performances by world-renowned iconic Latin artist, Nicky Jam, who sang three of his hits before stars and philanthropists who came together to raise funds and awareness. French pop star KendjiGiracperformed some of his hits and France’s Voz Kids winning sensation Rebecca performed one of her most songs. The event was also the charity gala of choice for the Cannes Film Festival. The honorary chairs of the evening were the singer KendjiGirac, and the actress EvaLongoria, the chair was Maria Bravo who received personalities such as Alejandro Nones, Gary Dourdan, ambassador of the Global Gift Foundation, Natalia Barulich,Michelle Salas, Adriana Karembeu,Alicia Aylies,Sylvie Tellier and many other Global Gifters. Also in attendance were the granddaughter of the emblematicartist Pablo Picasso and her son, Marian and Florian Picasso, ambassadors of the foundation.
The evening’s live auction was led by Thomas Forrester with some very special items up for auction, including a live painting by international artist Sacha Jafri as part of the creative project partnering with the Arts to bring Hope to people in need, raising funds for different humanitarian causes through the “The Power of the Reconnected World” campaign to help children around the world through the Global Gift Foundation together with Sacha Jafri, Ikonick Gallery and Hatt et Söner.
The creative director, Mitsuhiro Higuchi, an art director, designer, photographer and video director in the entertainment and advertising industries, donated a dress from his collection, a one-of-a-kind piece for the auction. The sculptor Richard Orlinski sold a sculpture of his donated to the foundation for half a million dollars.
Woonkly’s Solidarity NFT supported by all celebrities and created by the renowned Spanish artist, Javier Arrés, winner of the London Art Biennale and pioneer of crypto art. All proceeds from the sale of Woonkly’s Solidary NFT go to support the ‘Heartbeat for Ukraine’ fund created by young philanthropists and Global Gifters, Emilio Bastón and Ivanka Marchenko. Now that Woonkly’s unique solidarity NFT has been auctioned off, Woonkly will be whitelisting his “Solidarity” collection. Woonkly, is the first decentralized metasocial network of NFTs in the world, founded by the Spanish entrepreneur, influencer, and philanthropist,Daniel Santos. The company supports social causes by creating NFT collections from international talent and presents the ninth edition of the prestigious The Global Gift Gala, Cannes 2022.
The Global Gift Gala is an international initiative of the Global Gift Foundation, a charity founded by actress, entrepreneur and international philanthropist,Maria Bravo. Their goal is to raise funds and create awareness.
In addition to the main sponsor of the event, Woonkly, the gala was supported by eGoW3rld, a Web3 company founded by Alejandro Sáez, which explores and innovates in questions of identity, ownership, utility, and interoperability of the crypto space, meta and NFTs.
The Inspiration Sponsor of the gala is Asterius, a venture capital fund founded by Javier García Pérez, specialized in innovative technology start-ups, "investing in people, not in projects". Asterius is a sponsor of several solidarity projects together with the Global Gift Foundation, and Alejandro Sáez, from egow3rld, including The Ranch, 10 hectares in the Sierra de Guadarrama, a training and socialization space where children with special needs can treat their illnesses and refugees, at risk of social exclusion, will have a place to live with all their vital needs covered.
Important collaborators of this 9th edition are Pacaso, the leading real estate platform that helps people buy and co-own a luxury second home; Top-selling perfume and beauty companies Huda Beauty, Wishful along with KAYALI, and HB Angels become global partners for The Global Gift Galas around the world; Power 8 – Light Energy Drink, the low-calorie energy drink that has all the vitamins and ingredients of the original energy drinks, and On Fire Premium Tea, which through the unprecedented combination of more than 30 organic ingredients offers an unprecedented plan 21 days of purification and slimming.
Daniel Santos, CEO of Woonkly said: "I am very excited to be able to present this gala and to be able to accompany The Global Gift Foundation in this year in which it is so important that we put our resources and knowledge at the service of the common good."
Maria Bravo said: “Given the humanitarian crisis that is happening in Ukraine right now, we are using the Foundation’s international network to raise as much as possible and 100% of the proceeds will go to help affected families. We are very grateful to have the support of so many people around the world.”
Nicky Jam added: “For me, it is a pleasure and an honor to support the Global Gift Foundation and Maria and Eva, but in general the affected families in Ukraine. Ukraine is a country that needs love, help and energetic support. They are beautiful people, who have supported the growth of Latin music around the world, and I want to be here for them."
Eva Longoria Baston said: “It’s great to be back in Cannes and be part of The Global Gift Gala raising funds for Ukraine and for my foundation; together we can make a big difference. The gala is now in its ninth year, and I am excited to see many old and new friends as we celebrate philanthropy in one of my favourite places in the South of France."
The evening also recognized Hollywood actor and philanthropist Amaury Nolasco, Global Gift Ambassador, who received the Global Gift Philanthropist Award. Iraqi singer Emmanuel Kelly received the Global Gift Humanitarian Award and businessman Tomás Laso-Argos received the Global Gift eGoW3rld award for “Empowering Global Opportunities”.
The event was hosted by UAE TV and radio presenter and Global Gift Ambassador, Tom Urquhart, and French model and actress,Sylvie Tellier. is the first autonomous agent specially designed to solve the content creation requirements of individuals, small, and large enterprises.Bloggers,…
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