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BIG CAT WEEK is back on National Geographic WILD, with a two-week special event showcasing some of its biggest and rarest cats to date. Premiering across the Middle East on February 14 at 8:30pm (UAE), the event features 12 in-depth programs, each exploring an entirely different big cat species, their struggles as they face extinction, as well as rare, never-before-seen footage in their natural habitats.
With each passing year, big cats are faced with greater challenges and risk of extinction. The National Geographic Society is committed to raising awareness of big cats’ adverse situations through programming events such as BIG CAT WEEK, partnering with leading experts, funding research initiatives, and supporting impactful conservation efforts across the planet.
Kicking things off, INDIA’S BIG CATSshowcases the alluring feline specieswhich dominate India’s varied landscapes. THAILAND’S WILD CATSexplores the hidden cats of the jungle, including theking of the jungle: the Tiger. Next, see how a female cheetah protects her cubs against predators, including male cheetahs, with THE WAY OF THE CHEETAH.
The feline fun continues with SHADOW CATS,a thrilling look at the amazingly dexterous flying cats, capable of smacking birds from the sky. RUSSIA’S WILD TIGERwas filmed over two years with80 different cameras to capture the essence of the Amur tiger.
Additionally, BIG CAT WEEK includes a special series from award-winning filmmarkers, National Geographic Explorers and wildlife conservationalistsDereck and Beverly Joubert, who have been filming, researching and exploring in Africa for over 35 years. The series also features narration from Academy Award®, Tony®,Emmy®, SAG® Awardwinning actorJeremy Irons.
BIG CAT WEEKairs from February 14 to 19 at 8:30pm (UAE) on National Geographic WILD. Episode titles and descriptions can be found below.
India’s Big Cats
Premieres on 14th February, Monday at 8:30pm UAE
Alluring Tigers, Leopards, Lions, and even the Black Panther dominate India’s varied landscapes. Here, life hangs in the balance, ruled by tooth and claw and the extremes of climate. These big cat super predators are marvels of evolution with lightning-fast reflexes, detonating muscle power and extraordinary senses.
Thailand’s Wild Cats
Premieres on 15th February, Tuesday at 8:30pm UAE
Discover the hidden cats of Thailand’s jungles lying within an ancient kingdom, a last refuge for the nation’swild cats. Apex hunters, nearly invisible, they bide their time as they search for prey, pursue mates and protect their young. Within this tangled forest, a world of drama and unbridled power awaits the clouded leopard, the Asian fishing cat and the king of the jungle, the Tiger.
War of the Lions
Premieres on 16th February, Wednesday at 8:30pm UAE
From savannahs bursting with game to deserts with not a drop to drink, all lion kingdoms are not created equal … so who is the REAL king of the beasts?
The Way of the Cheetah
Premieres on 17th February, Thursday at 8:30pm UAE
Navigate the plains of the Mara ecosystem with Immani, a sleek female cheetah, as she protects her four cubs against other male cheetahs and predators. This marks the first film fromDereck and Beverly Joubert dedicated to cheetahs.
Shadow Cats
Premieres on 18th February, Friday at 8:30pm UAE
A flying cat, ten feet off the ground! …the deadliest feline hunter on the planet… birds smacked from the sky mid-flight! We join Lincoln the serval, Zama the caracal and Nyane, the elusive black-footed cat who prove they are just as extraordinary as their iconic wildcat counterparts, the cheetah, lion and leopard.
Russia’s Wild Tiger
Premieres 19th February, Saturday at 8:30pm UAE
Witness the battle for survival of the big cats and reveals intimate details of their lives. The animals they prey on are also in the film: tigers couldn’t survive without sika deer, Altai wapiti, wild boars and Asian black bears.
Revealed: Living with Big Cats
Premieres 21st February, Monday at 8:30pm UAE
Dereck and Beverly Joubert lead viewers on their incredible journey with big cats—from the first time big cats captured their hearts through their boundless dedication to protecting these iconic predators. This story explores how the Jouberts got started and delves into their personal lives as National Geographic filmmakers and Explorers.
Revealed: Big Cat Odyssey
Premieres 22nd February, Tuesday at 8:30pm UAE
Dereck and Beverly Joubert, dive deeper into the issues that surround big cats, specifically African lions and leopards. What challenges do these iconic big cats face? How have these lions and leopards survived and adapted over the decades? The Jouberts lead viewers on an epic journey through the lives of big cats and their most iconic moments.
Revealed: Relentless Enemies
Premieres 23rd February, Wednesday at 8:30pm UAE
A buffalo herd of over 1,200 is forced to move through three lion territories while being confined by the flood waters on a small island in the Okavango. As the buffalo strategize their advancements, the lions react to each and every move they make. From the Joubert’s home base in Botswana, comes the epic story of buffalo and lions surviving and adapting to each other. Narrated by Jeremy Irons.
Revealed: Ultimate Enemies
Premieres 24th February, Thursday at 8:30pm UAE
National Geographic filmmakers, Dereck and Beverly Joubert, explore how some animals are thrust together by the forces of nature—sometimes through a millennium of evolution or even last year’s drought. In the aftermath of strange elephant deaths, they piece together a visually stunning story that confirms their theory that lions were hunting elephants. Narrated by Jeremy Irons.
Revealed: Eye of the Leopard
Premieres 25th February, Friday at 8:30pm UAE
National Geographic filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert set out to create a film on leopards but never imagined they would be seduced by a small, eight-day-old cub named Legadema. Eye of the Leopard follows Legadema’s journey from a playful cub to a skilled huntress. Narrated by Jeremy Irons.
Revealed: Eternal Enemies
Premieres 26th February, Saturday at 8:30pm UAE
The Joubert’s Emmy winning film is back with stunning remastered footage. Propelled by Jeremy Irons gripping narration, Eternal Enemies reveals the story of conflict between lions and hyenas, relatively unknown or even suspected in the scientific world before this. The intense relationship and enduring rivalry between the two species play out in a battle of survival.
Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) and Politecnico di Milano, Italy’s largest scientific-technological university, have joined forces with Maserati and 1000 Miglia…
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