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At the end of each year, Twitter highlights the key conversations which took place on the platform throughout the year. Hashtags, handles, Tweets and Emojis are all analyzed in order to shed light on the stories that have led the public conversation over this year.
In 2021, following the analysis of data, Twitter revealed that government-related topics were among the most popular conversations in the UAE. Driven by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (@HHShkMohd), who once again lead engaging Tweets, here is a glimpse of His Highness’s most liked Tweets throughout the year:
HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid’s most engaged Tweets
January: The year kicked off with a celebration of His Highness’s 15th Accession Day as Ruler of Dubai, as well as his 15th anniversary as Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE.
2. February: February saw the success of the UAE’s first mission to Mars, as the Hope Probe entered orbit on its first attempt.
The most liked Tweet in the UAE for 2021, the triumphant mission was also celebrated by NASA’s own Mars Rover, who congratulated the arrival with the words of poet Al Mutanabbi.
Dear @HopeMarsMission, congratulations on arriving at Mars! In the words of the poet Al Mutanabbi:
إذا غامَرْتَ في شَرَفٍ مَرُومِ
فَلا تَقنَعْ بما دونَ النّجومِ
(If you ventured in pursuit of glory, don’t be satisfied with less than the stars.)
— NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover (@NASAPersevere) February 9, 2021
3. March: Following the passing of the United Arab Emirates finance minister and deputy ruler of the emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid al-Maktoum, His HIghness shared his condolences as he publicly mourned the loss of his companion.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون … رحمك الله يا أخي وسندي ورفيق دربي.. وأحسن مثواك .. وضعت رحالك عند رب كريم رحيم عظيم ..
4. April: In another first, His Highness shared that the first megawatt from the first Arab nuclear plant has entered the national power grid.
محطة تاريخية دخلتها دولة الامارات اليوم … جهد 10 أعوام .. و 2000 مهندس وشاب إماراتي .. و 80 شريك دولي .. ورؤية قائد أدخل الإمارات مرحلة تنموية غير مسبوقة .. أول ميجاوات من أول محطة نووية عربية يدخل شبكتنا الكهربائية.. مبروك شعب الامارات .. مبروك لأخي محمد بن زايد ..
6. June: HH Sheikh Mohammed also continued his #LifeHasTaughtMe series, sharing his knowledge and experiences with the public, and the importance of growing together as a united community.
#علمتني_الحياة … إذا جاءك المحتاج فأعنه … وإذا جاءك المظلوم فانصره.. وإذا جاءك صاحب الفكرة فادعمه..وإذا جاءك العالم فأنصت له ..وإذا جاءك الشاب فافتح له طريقاً نحو مستقبله .. نحن لا ننمو كأفراد متفرقين.. نحن ننمو كشعب يسند بعضه بعضا.. نحن نتفوق كأمة واحدة.. ونتقدم كدولة متحدة..
7. July: July also saw His Highness impart further insight with his followers, sharing his goals and the challenges faced in building a greater life for the future.
#علمتني_الحياة .. أن لا تشغلني الحياة بمعاركها الجانبية عن معركتنا الكبرى الحقيقية … معركة البناء والتنمية .. بناء الوطن معركة .. بناء الإنسان ملحمة .. بناء حياة لأجيال جديدة هو أكبر وأعظم وأنبل هدف لحياتنا .. وما سوى ذلك تفاهات تشغلنا عن معركتنا الحقيقية ..
8. August: Highlighting the strength, and kindness of the community, His Highness shared a video of a cat rescued from an apartment building, calling for the details of the people involved to thank them for their actions.
الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن … فخور وسعيد بكل مظهر للرحمة في مدينتنا الجميلة … من يعرفهم يدلنا عليهم لنشكرهم ..
9. September: As the UAE celebrated the opening of Expo2020, His Highness shared photos from the opening ceremony, welcoming the world to Dubai, and the UAE.
ليلة اختصرت المسافات .. وجمعت الأمم والثقافات .. ورسخت مكانة دبي والإمارات .. أهلاً بالعالم .. أهلاً بالمستقبل .. أهلاً بالإنسان من كل مكان في إكسبو دبي
10. October: With the launch of one of the UAE’s largest events of the year, His Highness shared a behind-the-scenes look into his life, with a photo of his favourite encounter at Expo2020 this far. The young girl had been featured in a video upset at the fact she was unable to meet His Highness. After seeing the video, HH Sheikh Mohammed invited the 7-year-old to Al Wasl Plaza for an impromptu meet and greet, posing for photos with her, and turning her dreams into a reality.
11. November: Finally, His HIghness shared his congratulations with the UAE for the successful bid to become the hosts of one of the world’s most important global climate conferences, COP28, in 2023.
نبارك لدولة الإمارات فوزها باستضافة أهم مؤتمر عالمي للمناخ COP28 في عام 2023 .. اختيار مستحق لدولتنا .. وسنضع كل إمكانياتنا لإنجاح المؤتمر .. وستبقى دولة الإمارات ملتزمة تجاه العمل المناخي العالمي لحماية كوكب الأرض.
The year also saw continued interest in Tweets from the wider UAE leadership. Here are some of the most liked leadership Tweets of the year:
HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces (@MohamedBinZayed), penned a heartfelt note for his mother on the occasion of International Mothers’ Day.
أمي الغالية فاطمة بنت مبارك وجميع الأمهات .. أنتن الخير والبركة..نبع الرحمة والعطاء ورمز الصبر و الإرادة..تحملن أسمى معاني الحياة وأطيبها..تهانينا لكل أم في الإمارات والعالم..في يوم الأم وفي كل يوم.. أدام الله عليكن الصحة والسعادة
— Hamdan bin Mohammed (@HamdanMohammed) May 21, 2021
3. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation celebrates the successful mission to Mars.
4. HH Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed, Deputy Ruler of Dubai (@MaktoumMohammed) thanked leadership for his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.
أتقدم بالشكر لأصحاب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد والشيخ محمد بن راشد والشيخ محمد بن زايد على ثقتهم وتشريفي بالمهمة الاتحادية الجديدة. وأسأل الله التوفيق في خدمة الإمارات وشعبها. هذا الوطن أمانة في أعناقنا، بناه آباؤنا المؤسسون، وصانه الرجال المخلصون، وعلى خطاهم سنمضي.
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