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French superstar and Dubai resident, David Guetta, ranked the world’s #1 DJ in 2020, will give an incredible performance for fans worldwide on the helipad of the iconic Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. The entire online event will be available to enjoy, free of charge. Dubai-based fans can watch the performance at 6pm on Saturday, 6 February 2021on David Guetta’s YouTube:
Staged against the backdrop of Dubai’s beautiful sunset, fireworks and indomitable spirit, it is a stunning production of music and lights designed to contribute towards efforts to keep the city and its diverse offering in the global spotlight.David Guetta dedicates his performance to this city he calls home, and invites his millions of followers worldwide to come together for the online event at Dubai’s legendary landmark in a show of solidarity, hope and optimism, as the world continues to battle the pandemic.
Through this unique event, David Guetta aims to raise funds towards supporting UNICEF, as well as Dubai Cares’ Education Uninterrupted campaign, a nationwide fundraising campaign that tackles the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the education of children and youth. The campaign called on the UAE community to make financial and in-kind donations in support of children and youth from low-income families who cannot afford to purchase a desktop computer, laptop or tablet to join their peers in distance learning from the safety of their home.To donate online:
Speaking about his unique charity performance, David Guetta said, "After Miami, New York and the Louvre in Paris, I am very proud to announce that we’re heading to the top of the iconic Burj Al Arab Jumeirah for another United At Home show, this time in a city that is dear to my heart: Dubai. So far, we raised more than 1.6 million US Dollars and counting, thanks to my fans across the globe. In these difficult times, we hope to bring comfort, joy, and support through the power of music and emotions. We have supported many charities and helped make a real difference in people’s lives during the pandemic. We continue in this direction today, benefiting UNICEF and Dubai Cares.”
Issam Kazim, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) commented:"Dubai Tourism is proud to support the ongoing efforts of award-winning international artist David Guetta and stand together in solidarity with people all over the world. We are also appreciative of the support and efforts being made by UNICEF, Dubai Cares and Jumeirah Group to leverage the strengths of the city for a worthy cause, especially during these challenging times. As an initiative that was launched to spread positivity across communities and cultures and bring nationalities even closer, this innovative and uplifting online performance by David Guetta atop the iconic landmark of Burj Al Arab Jumeirah is symbolic of the strong sense of vibrancy and optimism prevailing across the city. We encourage fans from around the world to view David Guetta’s show online and enjoy a spectacular music performance from the safety and comfort of their homes.”
Speaking about the importance of giving and solidarity within the community amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer at Dubai Cares and Member of its Board of Directors said: “We are very happy to be part of this impactful initiative with David Guetta, a renowned global DJ, which will undoubtedly play a role in alleviating the effects of the pandemic in its own way, by leaving a positive footprint on communities and bringing forth much needed optimism and joy as we recover post-pandemic. At Dubai Cares, we remain committed to continue our journey with our partners and make a lasting and positive impact in the lives of children and young people, by further increasing our impact which has so far reached over 20 million beneficiaries in 60 developing countries. With David Guetta and his millions of followers around the world, we can extend the reach of sending this message globally, and we are privileged at Dubai Cares to be a charity beneficiary of his global initiative with Dubai Tourism. This contribution to Education Uninterrupted campaign truly reflects the deeply-rooted values of renowned figures in the entertainment and art scene, in giving back to the UAE community despite the critical times that we are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative to remember that today’s children are tomorrow’s doctors, researchers, teachers and leaders. We should ensure that in times like these, learning should not be interrupted and education has to continue in a new form through blended and distance learning.”
Education Uninterrupted also hopes to alleviate the burden on parents who are playing a key role in their children’s distance learning, as well as support teachers in their efforts to continue delivering quality education to students during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Donations can be made at this link:
Alexander Lee, Chief Commercial Officer of Jumeirah Group, concluded: “It is an honour to host such an exceptional event for such a worthy cause, in partnership with Dubai Cares, UNICEF and the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, on the highest point of one of the world’s most iconic and instagrammed hotels, Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, the landmark hotel of the Jumeirah Group. This initiative is part of many incredible experiences brought to Dubai and joins the ranks of several spectacular and memorable events that have taken place on our helipad, capturing the attention of audiences around the world and creating a buzz for Dubai, the event in question and of course our guests. Over the years we have hosted many captivating events at Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, including the Roger Federer vs. Andre Agassi tennis match, boxing champion Anthony Joshua’s Sky Fight, the Formula One team Red Bull Racing doughnut stunt, champion Rory Mcllroy’s special golf demonstration and the Red Bull X-Fighter Danny Torres’ once-in-a-lifetime adventure, where he jumped riding his bike from a helicopter onto the helipad. All of these have highlighted Dubai as a leading destination that is worth discovering time and time again.”
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