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Before jumping into the facts of WhatsApp, let’s rewind to how WhatsApp was created and everything about this immensely popular messaging app. WhatsApp, released in 2009, is among the most popular apps for voice and text communication. It is free to use, safe and convenient, and can be used on both smartphones and tablets, you can send and receive messages, perform voice calls, and lead video chats.
The thing that makes this app attractive is that it runs on different operating systems for phones and computers, helping with messaging. To make one-on-one or collective group calls be it formal or informal meetings.
It was just a messaging app before, but it has now evolved from messaging to video and audio calls to business services. WhatsApp is a simple platform where one contact is used to interact. It’s just that convenient.
WhatsApp can recognize individuals who already use the application in your phone contacts, and you’ll never have to manually update them. You may also invite friends who do not have WhatsApp or who are not on your phone contacts to communicate with many other people that you meet. To interact with up to 256 people, WhatsApp allows you to build work, colleagues, or family groups. Also, the app lets you select your context and send an online map to your GPS location. You may enter a status message that lasts up to 24 hours or until it is altered. In the app, you can restrict contacts from inside the app or transfer the information from a person to another person.
In180 countries, with over 1 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp claims it supports more than 2 billion people. In 169 countries, WhatsApp Messenger has become the top telecommunications messenger app, although maybe oddly, not really in the United States, where Messenger is more popular. In India, Germany, Russia, and the U.K., this app rules. WhatsApp it’s not the only game in town, considering its tremendous values and outstanding numbers. Line, Imo, Kakao Speak, WeChat, Kik, and Viber Messenger are some of the competitors for the app. WhatsApp typically uses a broad approach to meet as many users around the world as possible. WhatsApp is increasing in popularity relative to its rivals, even grinding its own Facebook sibling, Messenger, as per a Market Intelligence Insights survey. This is a big part of the data protection features of WhatsApp. Just you get to see your chat, and the individual you are messaging. WhatsApp only puts them back and forth, so that its workers cannot see conversations or keep any backups of them on their servers.
On a range of mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Nokia S40, and Nokia S60, WhatsApp is accessible, finding it very famous among consumers in developing economies, which seems to be the game of Facebook here. In reality, TechCrunch reported a study by Jana Mobile that states that people are 12X to 64X more prone than Facebook to say WhatsApp is one of their most popular messaging services.
WhatsApp Web is a computer version of a smartphone app on a regular Mac or Windows browser except for Internet Explorer. Nevertheless, the mobile app doesn’t provide all the options provided. On the iPhone or Android app, anything you are doing on the website will sync and appear, so all of your conversations are synced, and the web version now allows you to make video & voice calls as well. A business edition enables businesses to use WhatsApp to communicate with clients.
Where it will be possible to install Facebook’s messenger, Instagram, and all these apps on cross-platforms such as desktop computers or laptops, WhatsApp still cannot be included with the web without carrying your mobile along with you. WhatsApp Web offers everyone the ease of using WhatsApp on your PC, but only if an active internet service is linked to your mobile. That means you’re not able to use it on the network separately. This guarantees the privacy of your data as well.
Instant messaging applications have transformed our lives, similar to a time when people would just have to send and receive emails back and forth with days in between. With new applications with their very own trends and gadgets showing up every minute, WhatsApp ranks up as one of the easiest yet most secure ways to interact.
The 10 interesting facts about WhatsApp are that maybe you might not know are: –
WhatsApp was founded by the former Yahoo employees Mr. Brian Acton & Jan Koum.
It was initially only made for IOS users.
On marketing and user acquisition, the company did not invest a dollar. They invested that instead, on advancement.
On June 2009, the instant messaging platform had 250,000 users worldwide. By December 2013, the figure had increased to 400 million.
The organization rejected a $10 billion Google bid, but in February 2014, they finally accepted a $19 billion Facebook offer.
Two billion minutes are consumed mostly on app every day
On the smartphone, 55 million video calls are made each day. The conversations last a maximum of about 340 million minutes.
It’s the most commonly used application on the world for text messaging. It has an extra billions of users than Facebook Messenger.
WhatsApp seems to be very generous to its users because it also avoids advertising. But still, because of the billions of downloads every day on Android phones alone, WhatsApp receives $2 billion and more by end of each year.
There are at least 5 billion WhatsApp groups created from 2009 until now.
No doubt, because of its awesome features and friendly operating system, WhatsApp is the most common messaging service worldwide. Everyone has WhatsApp downloaded on their smart phones, or you may not be aware of these fascinating and impressive details about your visited messaging app every day. So, now you know the interesting facts of WhatsApp, share this with your friends and family and let them know the story of WhatsApp.
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