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Recently, WhatsApp introduced ‘WhatsApp Business’. Using this function, WhatsApp customers will be able to purchase their favorite items through WhatsApp. The new addition is ‘Carts’, which will allow WhatsApp users to add products as they interact with a company, then send a larger order all at once via the app.
As WhatsApp begins to develop on its capacity for eCommerce, it continues to innovate more ways to promote business-to-consumer connections and make it easier for users to purchase goods via the messaging app.
Although the app is the most popular leading digital messaging service, WhatsApp is generally not regarded as an enterprise tool. For example, WhatsApp is used for business by only 7 percent of marketers.
WhatsApp is a great platform for you if you want to remind your clients about deals, provide open customer service solutions, or increase visibility. And, with the addition of ‘WhatsApp Company’, creating positive customer relationships is now simpler than ever.
With ‘WhatsApp Company’, a chatbot-like functionality, you will be able to give your audience personal customer service. So, WhatsApp will automatically deliver the messages you’ve generated to the customers you choose if you’re launching a new product.
With growth in emerging markets such as Middle East, India and Indonesia, where WhatsApp is already popular, Facebook has now shifted its attention to building a digital marketplace only within messaging network.
WhatsApp commerce could provide a variety of new opportunities for SMEs’ looking for new, cost-effective ways to communicate with customers as the world looks to recover in the wake of COVID-19.
With WhatsApp Business, with automated messages and chatbot-like functionality, you’ll be able to give your customers specific customer support. So, WhatsApp will instantly deliver the messages you’ve generated to the customers you choose. Think about choosing clients, which you can do in the app using a broadcast list, being synonymous with audience segmentation.
Also, you can find it simple and cost-effective to communicate with your international customers if you have a global audience or consumer base because WhatsApp does not charge a fee for international communication. This allows you to improve overseas customer relationships and facilitates easy problem solving.
How to Use WhatsApp for Business
You can use ‘WhatsApp for Business’ in a couple of different ways. Mainly, the app is used for communication and sharing, and that’s the basis of using WhatsApp to your advantage.WhatsApp can be a powerful app to have in your toolkit. You can improve visibility, automate communication, and keep your workflow organized.
The app is also free to use and manage, so you won’t be spending money downloading new software. Here are some specific advantages:
Improve your business’s visibility
Similar to Facebook, WhatsApp allows businesses to have a Business page on the app. Your profile will offer important information for customers, such as location, description, website, and contact details. You can also add a catalog to your WhatsApp, like shown below:
The catalog tool lets you upload your products in bulk, so users can browse your offerings through the app. This tool is an easy way for customers to get an idea of what they can purchase from your business. Having a business page for your company increases the amount of possible customers who can interact with your business using the app.
For instance, let’s say your customers want to know what your business offers, but don’t feel like Googling it. If your catalog is set up, they’ll be able to access your offerings before their attention is diverted to something else.
You can use catalogs to display a new product line or feature your most popular products to entice your audience members.
Lessen the response time
When you use WhatsApp Business, you can engage with customers directly. You can also automate messages using a chatbot, so your audiences can have their questions answered quickly.
Notice how you can save a few quick replies for your customers. This interactive "FAQ" undoubtedly cuts down on having to type, or copy-and-paste answers to common questions.
Think about providing a content offer with quick replies. For instance, you might configure your welcome message to ask about your new offerings, ("Welcome! Would you like to know about our new sale?"), and include a quick reply that links back to your catalog, or another page or promotion.
Organize your Tasks
WhatsApp offers different options for organisations. First, you can organize your contacts using their label system. Alternatively, if you use a CRM that integrates with WhatsApp, like HubSpot, you can import your contacts directly from the CRM to the app, and manage conversations from there.
If you can integrate WhatsApp with your CRM, you won’t have to manually add contacts into the WhatsApp account. The two platforms will work together to import contact information onto your business dashboard. Additionally, if you want to save the conversations you have with customers, you have that option with an integration. For example, HubSpot customers can access previous conversations on their HubSpot dashboard.
Facebook is hoping to make WhatsApp the essential app, for almost everything, especially in the eCommerce industry. The template for this approach is how WeChat has become the critical app for Chinese citizens, keeping them digitally connected to the world around them, facilitating purchases, bill payments, taxi bookings, etc.
If Facebook can make WhatsApp that core connector, that could be massive. This is where WhatsApp is headed, and with these coming additions, it could well be on the right track.
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