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How To Produce ‘Evergreen’ Content?

Image for How To Produce ‘Evergreen’ Content?

Evergreen content is ‘Search-Optimized’ content that stays relevant in the long run. Unlike news articles and posts on trending topics, evergreen posts provide value to the readers a long time after the post was originally published.

Evergreen posts don’t just tend to rank higher on Google, but they also attract a high number of backlinks. Evergreen content is ‘link-worthy’ content.

The challenge for digital marketers is to stay away from newsy ‘spike of hope’ that quickly degenerates into a ‘flatline of nope’.

So the million $ question is: How do you create evergreen content?

Here is the answer:

  1. Find Keywords With High Search Volume: Use SEMrush’s Keyword Magic tool to find keywords with a decent search volume. Make sure the shortlisted keywords and topics are not seasonal and have maintained a good search volume consistently over the last few months.
  2. Create 10x Content: Once you’ve identified the keywords you’d like to target in your post, you need to make sure your content is actually 10 times better than the highest ranking search result for the keywords.
  3. Stay Relevant: Just because the post is evergreen and ranking in the top 3 search results, there’s no guarantee it will maintain that status over time. The organic traffic may drop and it may lose its ability to generate links naturally. This is why you need to update your content with fresh insights to stay relevant.

To attract high-quality natural links, publish evergreen blog posts that stay relevant long after you have published them.


You have to keep publishing. Once you stop, your traffic will drop!

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