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As the COVID-19pandemic hit,RAKTDA took quick action and launched several support initiatives aimed at its hospitality, leisure and development partners to lay the strong foundations for the sectors’ recovery. The Authority has now made strong strides towards achieving its recovery goals and aims to pay it forward to the nation’s heroes, who made these achievements possible by putting themselves on the frontline in service to the country and ensuring the population’s well being and safety.
As part of this programme, RAKTDA, has secured the partnership of various tourism and hospitality entities in Ras Al Khaimah to offer a host of benefits, preferential rates and discounts to the UAE’s frontline heroes when visiting the Emirate. Partners include ToroVerde Ras Al Khaimah, Suwaidi Pearls, Adventurati amongst others, through whom frontline professionals can avail experiences and outdoor activities at discounted rates. Several hospitality partners across the Emirate have also launched dedicated packages and inclusive offers to honour the country’s heroes, and offer them a well-deserved chance to relax, recoup and reenergise. Hotel partners include; the Hilton Hotels and Resorts in Ras Al Khaimah, The Cover Rotana Resort Ras Al Khaimah, Marjan Island Resort and Spa and many more.
“We recognise the immense efforts and dedication of our frontline heroes over the past year while ensuring the nation’s safety and wellbeing. We would like to take this opportunity to honour their commitment to this responsibility and show our gratitude through a series of dedicated offers and benefits that they can avail when they visit Ras Al Khaimah,” said Raki Phillips, CEO, Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority. He goes on to add, “It is with great pleasure that we welcome the nation’s heroes for a well-deserved break to enjoy the Emirate’s diverse entertainment and hospitality offering.”
Her Excellency Professor Maha Barakat, Director General of the Frontline Heroes Office commented, “The Frontline Heroes Office strives to acknowledge the dedicated efforts of the country’s heroes, working with partners on exclusive offerings to express the nation’s gratitude. With the help of Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority and its array of partners we are able to continue to reward and recognise the heroic efforts of the country’s frontline professionals and their immeasurable actions to protect the UAE and its community.”
RAKTDA extends its sincerest appreciation and salutes the brave men and women on the frontline for their commitment to the UAE as they continue to protect our communities. The Authority is honoured to recognise the everyday acts of heroism and show its support to frontline professionals in collaboration with the Frontline Heroes Office.
Adventure, culture and leisure partners of Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority that will be participating in the initiative include:
Jebel Jais Viewing Deck Park: Free entrance
Adventurati Outdoor Guided Tours Climbing Trekking & Canyoning: Discount of 10% until 31st January 2021
Bedouin Oasis: Special rate for frontline professionals on all activities
Suwaidi Pearls: Discount of 30 % on Suwaidi Pearl Farm tour
Travco L.L.C: Desert safari for three personsin Dubai at a discounted price of AED 150 per person
TONI&GUY Ras Al Khaimah: Discount of 10% on all colour, cutting and styling services excluding Kerastraight treatment
The Dunes: 15% discount on published rates
Beyond Action: Discount of 20% for a Day Trip, Discount of 15% an overnight stay
Toroverde Ras Al Khaimah: Discount of 25% on tickets across the Jebel Jais Flight, Jais Sky Tour and Jais Sky Maze
Hospitality partners of RAKTDAthat will be participating in the initiative include:
Hilton Garden Inn Ras Al Khaimah, Hilton Ras Al Khaimah Resort & Spa, Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah and DoubleTree by Hilton: With the Frontline Thanks offer, guests can enjoy a relaxing experience to recoup and reenergise while saving up to 25% off their getaway. Extra flexibility with free early departure, early check in and late check out for Hilton Honours members is offered
Rixos Bab Al Bahr: Discount of 20% on all-inclusive room rate
Citymax Hotels: Discount of 20% on best available rate, discount of 30% on food & beverages
at any outlets and discount of 50% on laundry at the Citymax Ras Al Khaimah
The Cove Rotana: Discount of 20% on best available rate, discount of 15% on food & beverages
BM Hotels and Resorts:
BM Beach Hotel offers room rates starting from AED 225, until December 30, 2020
BM Beach Resort offers room rates starting from AED 260 until December 30, 2020
Marjan Island Resort & Spa: Offers room rates starting from AED 200
Pullman Hotels and Resorts: Offers room rates staring from AED 200
The offers will be available to frontline professionals entered in the Registry established by the Frontline Heroes Office including healthcare practitioners, police, essential service providers, crisis managers, security and emergency service providers, humanitarian agencies, sterilization personnel and volunteers.
Frontline heroes supporting the UAE’s response to COVID-19 should check with their employers to confirm that they are registered with the Frontline Heroes Office. They can visit learn more about the vast range of offers and benefits. is the first autonomous agent specially designed to solve the content creation requirements of individuals, small, and large enterprises.Bloggers,…
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