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In the presence of H.E. Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chairman of Police and General Security in Dubai and Chairman of Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University’s (HBMSU) Board of Governors, HMBSU signed today (Tuesday, January 7, 2020) a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Egypt’s Alexandria University to further enrich the smart learning system in the Arab world. Under the MoU, both parties agreed to collaborate to create common channels of communication for the transfer, dissemination, enrichment, and localization of knowledge.
The signing ceremony was held at the HMBSU campus during the visit of Dr. Essam El-Kurdi, President of Alexandria University, to HBMSU. Dr. El-Kurdi and HBMSU Chancellor Dr. Mansoor Al Awar inked the agreement with both parties stressing the importance of their partnership in reinforcing scientific knowledge in the Arab region, while further strengthening the already robust relations and deep historical ties between the UAE and Egypt.
H.E. Lt. Gen. Tamim also cited how the MoU reflects the deep-rooted UAE-Egypt alliance. The agreement, he added, will help advance higher education in the region with technological innovations, excellence, and scientific research at the core of the sector’s steady progress. Further, the move will enrich knowledge, which is the ‘true capital of mankind’ as described by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
H.E. said: “We are pleased to enter into a strategic partnership with one of the world’s oldest and highly prestigious universities. Alexandria University has been instrumental in enriching scientific and literary knowledge for more than seven decades now. For HBMSU’s part, we are fully committed to sharing our pioneering experience in establishing a solid foundation of smart learning and disseminating its leading expertise in adapting advanced technology to bring higher education to the next level and produce new generations of leaders who are qualified to shape and create the future.”
After signing the MoU, El-Kurdi stressed on Alexandria University’s keenness towards cooperating with prestigious universities, affirming HBMSU’s position to be the first academic institution specialized in providing educational services in the field of quality management through smart learning in the Arab world and the Middle East. He also stressed on the importance of the trend towards the e-learning system as the future of education, which allows learners to obtain various degrees according to specific standards as well as provide continuing education opportunities based on the requirements of comprehensive quality.
El-Kurdi also explained that this partnership is vital in the efforts directed towards enhancing and developing the smart learning system, creating a common channel to transferring, disseminating and localizing knowledge; exchanging experiences and information; enriching intellectual production; and setting a comprehensive framework for mutually beneficial collaborations.
He also explained that the MoU’s area of cooperation includes the development and provision of joint programs utilizing smart learning technologies at Alexandria University. Faculty members of Alexandria University, who will teach online joint programs and facilitate academic and research exchange, will also have an opportunity to register for free in the ‘Teaching Staff Certificate in Smart Learning,’ which will be granted by HBMSU. Furthermore, both universities will provide opportunities for their respective faculty members to teach some courses through the internet.
Commenting on the partnership, Dr. Al Awar also pointed out that collaborative efforts between HBMSU and other prestigious universities such as Alexandria University reflect HBMSU’s excellent standing in the Arab academic circles. In the Arab region, he said HBMSU is one of the pioneers who helped to re-engineer the education system by using learning and academic methods that are based on smart, innovative, and creative technologies. The university utilizes these modern methods to help establish a bright tomorrow for future generations. Dr. Al Awar is confident as well that the new MoU will further strengthen the ties between the UAE and Egypt concerning educational and knowledge development in line with the highest levels of global quality and excellence. The countries will continue to emphasize smart learning and lifelong learning, both of which are critical to defining the future of socio-economic development.
Dr. Al Awar added: “The MoU is aligned with our vision to be a leader in promoting knowledge, innovation, and smart learning in the Arab region and the rest of the globe. The university’s vision is in response to the directives of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and President of the University, to invest more in scientific and technological knowledge as a basis for the country’s progress and our youth’s exponential advancement. At HBMSU, we have taken on the responsibility of sharing our successful academic expertise gained through the years as well as our pioneering experiences in developing a sophisticated system that goes beyond the traditional educational method. This is in line with the requirement of the knowledge economy era. This important shift in the regional education system is expected to build new generations that can keep up with the rapid technological developments. We are pleased to welcome Dr. El-Kurdi to HBMSU. During our meeting, we took the opportunity to discuss the best ways to consolidate knowledge and academic ties between the UAE and Egypt based on our shared mission of establishing the Arab world’s leadership in the global education sector and making the region a beacon of scientific knowledge and creativity.”
During his visit, Dr. El-Kurdi first met with Dr. Al Awar during which the former reviewed HBMSU’s advanced teaching infrastructure and methods that use the latest technological innovations to shape the future of higher education. This was followed by a meeting with H.E. Lt. Gen. Tamim in which the parties signed the agreement. He also learned about the university’s programs for faculty members. Dr. El-Kurdi concluded his visit with a lunch organized by HBMSU in his honor, an event attended by HBMSU’s senior officials and academic and administrative staff.
Under the terms of the MoU, both parties have also agreed to exchange invitations to scientific symposia and conferences to be held in their respective campuses, in addition to implementing relevant programs and events subject to their advance agreement. is the first autonomous agent specially designed to solve the content creation requirements of individuals, small, and large enterprises.Bloggers,…
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